What is Composable Commerce?
Composable Commerce is a concept that enables companies to create scalable and customizable e-commerce platforms that best suit their individual needs. It is a software architecture that separates the front-end and back-end of a business, allowing the selection and combination of the best technologies to create a flexible and agile e-commerce architecture. Composable Commerce uses modern technologies such as MACH (microservices, API, cloud, headless) and JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs and markup) to be truly modern and future-proof. With Composable Commerce, components from different providers can be selected and combined into a single platform. These components are referred to as Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs).
Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs)
Packaged Business Capabilities (PBCs) are the building blocks of Composable Commerce. They focus on delivering a specific business function through clear and precisely defined business tasks. PBCs are software components that represent a well-defined business capability and serve as building blocks for larger app suites, all connected by an API. PBCs are autonomous and not dependent on external data or services to fulfill a task. The granularity of each PBC should be determined by business need and weighed against cost, complexity and time to market.

Flexibility and scalability of composable commerce
Composable Commerce is modular, which means that each component can be deployed, replaced or removed independently. This allows for greater flexibility, faster time to market and a better customer experience across all devices. Composable Commerce is flexible and enables the creation of fully customized solutions. It enables the creation of individual commerce experiences that are tailored to your customers' exact needs. Composable Commerce offers scalability. As your business grows and adapts to its customers, you need a platform that is tailored to your business.
Business benefits of composable commerce
Composable Commerce is business-oriented. A fully customizable system allows you to respond quickly and cost-effectively to changing market demands and increase the potential for innovation. Composable Commerce enables companies to select the best applications from different providers and combine them into a seamless technology platform. This means you are no longer dependent on a single vendor to meet your business needs. Composable Commerce provides a more flexible, efficient and cost-effective way for companies to build and manage their e-commerce platform, allowing them to adapt quickly to market changes and deliver a better user experience.

Speed and efficiency of composable commerce
Composable Commerce offers an API-centric approach. An API platform means you can avoid the lengthy process of integrating multiple components. Composable Commerce enables faster development and deployment of new features and functionality. This can help companies respond quickly to changes in the market or to customer needs. Composable Commerce can deliver new features and experiences up to 8 times faster, helping companies to meet customer expectations.

The future of composable commerce
The greatest strength of Composable Commerce is the ability to quickly customize your own e-commerce setup to meet the needs of your business now and in the future. Transitioning to a composable commerce platform requires careful planning and implementation to ensure that the platform meets all business needs and can be utilized to its full potential. Gartner predicts that organizations that have adopted composable commerce will outperform their competitors by 80% in implementing new features. Composable commerce is the next evolution in digital commerce technology, moving away from inflexible monolithic systems to a modular, component-based design.